Ready To Close Your Pool?

This weekend, for some, marks the end of the summer. Which means getting prepared to close your swimming pool for the season and closing is just as important as the opening. If you do not close your pool properly you can guarantee problems at the beginning of next season.

This winter is predicted to be an actual winter and not a mild one.  Properly closing of a swimming pool can prevent damage during the dormant winter months.  In an attempt to save money, some pool owners opt to close their swimming pool themselves.  Hiring a professional to close your pool, the right way, is less expensive than you may think.  A swimming pool is an investment, and an extension of your homes value. When it is properly opened and winterized each season,  you will almost certainly extend the life of your pool, the equipment and your wallet in the long run.

Which would you prefer, instruction on a box or a professional with you poolside to instruct you on the proper procedures. The average consumer overspends on swimming pool products, and believe it or not, we believe in showing you ways to save money and extend the life of  your equipment.

Contact us today and let us show you how to save money on your closings and all year round.  Schedule a swimming pool consult or closing prior to September 15 and receive a special discount.